Creating Outdoor Playscapes on a Budget
Looking for some ways to create a fun area in your yard that will keep your kids outdoors all summer? Me too! Here’s some ideas I’m loving for creating outdoor playscapes on the cheap!
Looking for some ways to create a fun area in your yard that will keep your kids outdoors all summer? Me too! Here’s some ideas I’m loving for creating outdoor playscapes on the cheap!
Eli is turning one! Come on in and check out all of the details of his vintage boardwalk birthday celebration!
Whenever someones comes over and asks to use the bathroom, I cringe. Our guest bathroom is a mess. We did a little to update the space when we first moved in for a project I did for Everything But the House, which turned an ordinary pedastal sink into a faux-vessel
I have always said that it takes a certain kind of optimism to look at something lovingly, without judging eyes, and see potential. When you look at the world around you with Creator-Eyes, you spot possibility everywhere. Strangers look more like friends… And that seemingly useless item that was tossed
It’s true. As I have mentioned before, the kind and quality of the paintbrushes you use for projects is important — if you care about the finished product. If you are taking the time and effort to do any kind of DIY project, you might as well do it the
I had a pergola at my old house. My dad and I built it together when he was in the middle of treatment for lymphoma. He wanted to do this project with me because I think he knew it would probably be our last project together. I loved my