Progress, Not Perfection: 2 Years in Our Home

This week we’re celebrating two years in our home. It’s been a whirlwind of remodeling projects, major life changes and a lot of learning from our mistakes on all fronts. Since we moved in, we’ve painted nearly every room and ceiling, the staircase, the cabinets, vanities and the trim throughout most of the house. We’ve installed new lighting, planked walls, managed to rid our bedroom of the brown textured wall treatment and made most of our wall art ourselves. Oh, I had a baby in that two years, too! Clearly, our coffee pot is almost always on.

I can’t think of a better way to celebrate two years of hard work than jumping on a plane tomorrow for Atlanta, where we’re going to spend the weekend at the Haven Design and Blogging Conference! I’m going as a guest of Everything But the House (my go-to source for estate sale goodies) and will hopefully cross paths with some of my favorite bloggers like Liz Marie and Bre from Rooms for Rent. I am particularly excited to check out the vendor booths for Home Depot and Moen because we’re plotting out our next big project, a spa-like bathroom makeover that will be so dreamy, I won’t even notice the whole family has gathered outside of the shower to ask me things like “Mom, where’s my pants?”

What have you been working on around you house? Any projects you’re dreaming of tackling?

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