Recently I have been looking for the “ultimate orange pillow“. Orange isn’t the most popular decor color, but I feel like it has a bad reputation. So finding a pillow with orange was a challenge to begin with. I didn’t want a pillow that was mostly orange, but had a nice POP! of orange.
I’m not sure what my decorating taste would be classified as. I have a lot of color (but not scary color, I don’t think), a lot of eclectic pieces, there’s a definite beachy-type thing going on, but I try not to have a lot of clutter or stuff. That last one has been a challenge with inheriting a lot of family furniture in the past year and all the furniture flips I have been doing, there is A LOT of furniture sitting in weird places — like the middle of the room in come cases. I’m completely serious. I have acquired many pieces of furniture that have sentimental value and I couldn’t bear for them to be anywhere else than with me. I am still finding places for them.
I have a ranch with a great open floor plan — something I have always wanted. So while I love the openness of it, it has been a challenge to use color on the walls — I didn’t want to use all beige. Even though the carpet (which was in good shape) and the vinyl flooring were also beige, I was determined to have different colors in different areas of the dining room/great room/kitchen. There are a few places where two colors come together in a corner, but I decided I can live with this because I love everything else about how it turned out.
I chose my color palette for the vast majority of the house from my mirror that hangs in my bedroom. I love the colors in it and I wanted to use variations of those colors. They’re warm and cozy and I like to think that people feel comfortable when they come to visit. I try to make the furniture soft and comfortable, no couches they stick to or sofas they fall into, but can’t get out of. So I had to find my perfect orange pillow that was also comfortable if someone should decide to use it to lay on and not just as decoration. A practical AND decorative orange pillow?

I decided to go bold for what is supposed to be the dining room, but is actually used as Jake’s game room. That’s where he watches movies and plays video games and hangs out with his friends. I painted this room orange. It has two large arches which I loved so I decided to not just paint the inside orange, but also the outside of the room. It looks like after the house was finished, a giant came along and dropped a completed orange room in our house. The orange goes well with the neutral beige I chose. I think it’s a little darker than the basic builder beige, but I have tall ceilings everywhere so I think it works. The kitchen is a slate blue — beachy, I think. I wanted to put a little splash of orange in the great room, just to kind of tie the two rooms together a little more. I thought throw pillows would be an easy and relatively inexpensive way to do this.
Enter Pottery Barn. God, I love Pottery Barn! I went online just to see, not imagining they would have any pillow that happened to have orange in it. Lo, and behold, they did. The perfect orange pillow. And as if the perfect color wasn’t enough, it has orange coral, which just fits the bill with my beachy boho decor. I found the perfect orange pillow.