mint julep

Mint Julep Recipe — From Grandma Kay’s Derby Party

mint julep
From the time I was born, my parents went next door to Kay and Frank’s Derby party. It was a BIG deal. I wasn’t allowed to go until I was probably 4 or 5 years old. I don’t remember much about their Derby parties, except everyone was loud (probably from drinking), the food was good, and everyone bet a few dollars and drew names of the horses and the winner received the “pot” of money. My mom told me years later I called the Derby party the “Dirty” party, which of course was hilarious to all the adults and it sort of stuck.

One other memory I have is all the julep cups, sitting on cute Derby napkins around the coffee table with small sprigs of mint sticking out the top of the cups. I asked my mom once what those drinks were and she told me they were called “mint juleps” and Kay’s mint juleps were legendary. Kay was kind enough to give my mom the recipe and several years before my mom passed away she gave it to me.

Kay’s Mint Julep Recipe
1 cup water
1 cup sugar
bourbon (the good kind)
a few sprigs of fresh mint
1/4 tsp mint extract

Heat water to boiling and add sugar, stirring frequently. Add extract. Boil until sugar dissolves. Remove from heat and allow to cool slightly. Pour over crushed ice and add one shot of bourbon  (I only do a half a shot, but I am a lightweight). Serve in a julep cup and add a few sprigs of mint.

mint julep


What is a julep cup?
A julep cup is usually made of silver or tin and used to keep mint juleps cold on a hot day.

Enjoy your mint juleps and your Derby day!




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