As I write this post, we’re at the beginning of this fun little adventure — where lives are turned upside down and small things we often took for granted are suddenly hard to come by (I still don’t understand hoarding toilet paper!)
Many of you are at home with your children who usually are in school or daycare — that leaves a lot of parent-kid time that needs to be filled. Many children do have assignments they can be working on, but for smaller children especially, this can be a challenging time.

Never fear, we are here to help! Our partner site, Yogalore, has some great FREE activities for you (and the whole family, really). Under their “Activities” tab, they add something new every day. Sometimes it may be a game, other times a link to a video, other times a print out activity. They do their best to mix it up a little.
Click Here for Yogalore’s Activities.
Yogalore also has an online store on TeachersPayTeachers with all sorts of yoga pose card decks (kids love these), memory games, spinner games, dramatic play options and more. Be sure to check it out. Make your home a yoga home!
Good luck and have fun!