1. Watching “Charlotte’s Web.”
2. Digging through my old toy box with my kids.
3. Every single time I hear this song:
4. Licking my fingers Curly Sue-style after pizza.
5. Sneaking a drink from the hose. It’s still the best tasting water in the world!
6. Packing a picnic with a peanut butter sandwich and (this is important) Lays potato chips. Classic field trip comfort meal.
7. Eating Fla-Vor-Ice on the porch. I call grape!
8. Quoting Vada Sultenfuss.
9. The smell of new water wings. BLISS.

10. Making flower chains.
11. Passing a Chuck E. Cheese and getting a little thrill. It might still be fun, right?!

12. Every time I spot a velvet sofa at the thrift store.

13. New Keds!
14. Cut off shorts.

15. A freshly-filled kiddie pool, before it’s full of grass.
16. Eating blackberries that are still warm from the sun.
17. Crawling into a bed made with clean and colorful vintage sheets.
18. A new pack of crayons. They’re still the BEST!
19. Finding any excuse to play dress up.
20. Rainy day manicures.
21. Doing cartwheels.
22. Playing in the rain.
23. Swinging as high as possible.
24. Eating cake for breakfast.
25. These two…
What makes you feel like a kid again?